Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall break at the cabin

The kids had two days off of school for Fall break so we took advantage and went up to the cabin.  It's always lots of fun with the family and cousins to play with.  We had fun doing lots of halloween crafts, making carmel apples and mummy suckers.  They also had lots of fun carving pumpkins.  The weather was so nice they had fun driving around on the ranger and swimming in the hot tub!  I somehow didn't get pictures of that! 
Addie and her new cousin Cortney are going to be great friends!
 Hailey and Mckenna were twin pumpkin's Grandma had fun painting their faces!
 Sadie loved carving the pumpkin!  She was the oldest cousin up there and had fun painting everyone's nails and driving the ranger around!

 Addie loved being outside with everyone.  She borrowed her cousin Cortney's cute halloween hat for a fun halloween picture!  She isn't quite sitting up by herself yet but she did pretty good sitting by the pumpkins!

 Of course we had to get a "Scary family picture"
 Addie had fun with Grandma and Marlin
 Brinley and Kelsey had twinner shirts on and Grandma painted bats on their faces!
The girls carved Snow White, Ariel, and monster Mike pumpkins.  We also carved Addi'es hands and feet for her first pumpkin!

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